Saturday, 5 April 2014

thoughts of the week: March 30th- April 5th

The Pah Homestead 5/04/14
This is going to be a random blogpost of my rambling thoughts. Sorry. Usually these types of posts are exclusive to my tumblr but I thought I would try a different stance on my blog.

Thought #1
I am over-joyed with the absence of pressure and stress as I handed in my Media and History assignments. I am proud of the work I produced in both these subjects and I felt I had learned new things and challenged my thinking. For History, I did a research folder on the influence of religion in Kororareka/Russell in regards to the building of the British Empire in New Zealand. This strenuous research had developed my appreciation for New Zealand history and Maori culture as well as making me aware of the early missionaries' legacy today. (Gosh, it sounds like I'm hoping my history teacher would read this and give me a good grade). I also had to write two Media essays on the Ghostwriter by Roman Polanski each consisting of 2500-3000 words. Polanski is highly regarded amongst Hollywood but despite his talents as a director, he is a dirty bastard. I don't support oppressors/rapists and therefore I felt conflicted and uncomfortable praising Polanski's "use of film techniques". I bullshitted just to please my teacher (and also I was on a shortage of ideas) and I wrote, "contemporary audiences may appreciate Polanski's portrayal of Ruth Lang as a femme fatale since he does not introduce her as an object of a man's desire, unlike classic film noir." - Ironically, he obviously views females as objects of his sexual pleasure as he raped and took advantage of a 13-year-old girl.

Thought #2
On the 4th of April, my friend said to me, "Today is suppose to be bad luck because of all the 'fours' in the date." I replied, "What are you talking about? That's not true."

I didn't believe it was 4/04/14 and instead I thought it was 4/04/12 as I genuinely thought it was 2012 for that moment. It was a strange feeling when I realised it was 2014. I had an epiphany and felt as if I was in Donnie Darko or something. Its beyond deja vu but I'm sure I've read about this freak occurrence somewhere. Is it something to do with another universe/dimension or what?

Thought #3
It's unsettling when you notice how much your friends care about their popularity and reputation. I realised this last night at a "gig" organised by people my age, which was a weird experience. My friends and I went with reasonable expectations but we arrived and realised it wasn't "our scene/crowd". With everyone being like "oh my gosh, this is embarrassing... I don't want to be seen here...", it was easy to agree and be swayed by their reactions. I was secretly quite jealous of this "crowd" as they were being creative together and supportive of each other. They looked like they were having heaps of fun as they were dancing to their friend's band. They seemed like they didn't care at all about what people thought. I wish I had more friends who I could be creative, spontaneous and "non-conformist" with. Agh, I need to get some friends like Tavi Gevinson/ Lorde/ M.I.A/ Grimes/ Sky Ferreira. However I love my close friends and its great because recently they have been delving into feminism too!! We hate on shallow boys (especially those St Peter's boys - I'm not afraid to 'name and shame').

- freak out


  1. i hope you don't mind me commenting but it's so interesting reading your blog and learning about your group of friends who I feel so distant from ... and I guess that's makes me more wary of being judgmental towards them? idk. we're probably quite different but if you ever wanted to hang out and be "non-conformist" together I would be keen x

    1. of course i don't mind!! aw, go ahead to be judgemental of a few of them though hahaha theres only a small handful that I'm actually close with anyways. I'm definitely down for that, chloe!

    2. yes! hopefully i get to talk to you more around school, otherwise chat me x
