More than just Yonkers
Damnit, I'm developing a crush on Tyler. Everybody loves Tyler and Odd Future, especially the people of the tumblr community and the white boys that skate. I never understood the big deal about him and I thought he was extremely obnoxious. I tried listening to him and all I heard was "fuck bitches, fuck cocksuckers" or something along those lines. People may have different reasons to why they like Odd Future and stuff, maybe because their "cool"? But I sure didn't want to jump on the band wagon.
But then his latest album, Wolf, came out. I remember when I saw his video for IFHY ft. Pharrell on someone's blog and I became extremely curious and I wanted to see what Pharrell did on this track. The colourful, cartoon-esque, fake essence of the video was very entertaining and it interpreted the song in a vibrant way that would make you want to watch and listen to the music. I thought "ok, this is actually not too bad" and then I came across a review on his album on XXL ( After I read that, I thought "wow, he seems very smart. Maybe I'll give him a chance".
Then I listened to his album on spotify and damnit, it was good. It wasn't a typical hip hop album as it made the use of piano very well. I don't think I've ever heard jazz piano chords as a dominant feature on a hip hop track until I heard Wolf. Tyler has truly developed his artistry and this album is an obvious step up from his previous album, Goblin. My favourite tracks on Wolf are Lone, Colossus, Tamale and Domo23. I think Lone concludes Wolf perfectly and it allows people to take him seriously as an artist; I know I respected him more after I listened to this song. Lone bares his vulnerability as he delves into his problems and the situation of his Grandma's death while he is talking to Dr T.C, one of his alter egos. The production sounds like music a therapist would play for you to help you relax during a session or something. This is one of the more "jazzier" tracks with a saxophone leading with a mellow melody that is taken over by strings as the song develops.
What is amazing about Tyler is that he is extremely successful for someone that doesn't have any songs played on radio; all thanks to internet and technology, which he uses to his advantage. Through the creation of a large following (some call it a "movement"), he has a huge influence on today's youth culture and fashion trends. I remember last year seeing those photos of Tyler wearing a Supreme hat on tumblr and then practically overnight there was a wildfire of teenagers wearing Supreme hats and still continue to wear them till this day (but they should stop, to be honest).
He is perceived to be a bad influence but if you go past the prejudice, you'll find out Tyler isn't really that bad. Some people may not know that Tyler is straight edge, which means no drugs, no alcohol and no smoking. It is almost unheard of in our generation and I really respect him for that.
Tyler definitely has talent, creativity and a vast imagination that he showcases as a rap artist, producer, director and designer. He states that rap isn't his main passion and he is actually planning to "retire" from the rap game. Film and directing is what he truly loves as he directs his own music videos, which is respectable and it shows he is in total control of his artistry. He has an obvious grasp on who he is as a person and artist.
I guess I've jumped on the band wagon but for all the right reasons.
- Freak out
I'm a fan of Odd Future and Tamale was also my favorite song off of Wolf. Ohhh i didn't know that he had an interest in film making coool! Have you seen him in Loiter Squad I find the show to be very humorous.