I hate racism with a stark passion. I have so many rants about this issue with my friends and I could go on forever and ever. Racism should be assertively addressed but thats difficult when its your "friends" being racist. What are you suppose to do in those situations? Tell them that they're "fucking dumb bitches"? Probably not the most civilised response. Although they are "dumb bitches", you can also call it ignorance.
People disgust me as they publish their racist remarks all over social media. I thought we would have moved on from the racial inequality but I guess not. People still think they're "above" other races as they continue to discriminate others for not conforming to their culture or society. Racism mainly derives from ignorance as some people just lack the knowledge and compassion. I don't think people understand the difficulties of being coloured in the western world. I've had many experiences of racial discrimination and I use to be rather passive in these situations but I've realised that theres no reason for me to not speak up. There was a moment when I was 8 years old and I was walking along the road to get to Mission Bay with my Asian friend who was 11 at the time and a car of teenagers sped past shouting "GO BACK TO YOUR OWN FUCKING COUNTRY!" Who the hell says that to a pair of little kids? I was born here, you dumb fucks. Sometimes the racism isn't intentionally directed at me but it still relates to me, my family and my coloured friends. When I see someone being racist towards a middle-aged Asian man, it makes me upset because that could easily be my dad.
I know change doesn't happen overnight and I know I have it a lot easier than the previous generations. I hope that my grandchildren will live in a world where racism nor race exists because "race is a myth, racism is real". People need to educate each other and educate themselves. Maybe everybody should read To Kill A Mockingbird or something.
- freak out
p.s. keep an eye out for 'a rant for racists #2'
preach it jessica