Friday 25 October 2013

Never thought I was going to say this... I like Lorde

Ever since NZ radio started playing Lorde, I despised her with a passion. I hated the fact that a 16-year-old girl was doing extremely well in the industry I plan to be apart of. I thought "damn, how am i going to make it big now?" because lightening doesn't strike twice. Listening to the radio was risky. I snarled each time I heard the entrance of the muffled drumbeats of Royals. I thought she was some serious try-hard-tumblr-teen-angsty girl.  

Rewind to January 2013 - I discovered Lorde on here (before Royals hit the radio) and I absolutely loved her. I linked her soundcloud to all my friends so lets say she owes part of her success to me. I even messaged her on tumblr in which she replied back and I doubt she would be able to respond to any tumblr messages now. Then the radio came into play and everyone was like "oh my gosh, can't believe she's sixteen!"- this got on my nerves like a fat kid on a trampoline. Her age has contributed a lot to her success - Would people still be in awe of her if she wasn't sixteen?

I hated having Lorde's success rubbed in my face because I felt as if I was going nowhere (and I still feel this way). How can this girl thats so similar to me and my friends reach #1 on the US Billboard charts? She's making a living from music, travelling around the world and meeting all these interesting people, while we're stressing out about NCEA exams and hoping that New Years will meet our high expectations. I also hated the fact that Lorde was developed for 4 years making me question if she was manufactured to not be manufactured. Maybe it was the label's tactic to appease the teenage community that is "alternative" obsessed? You can say that I was jealous. 

She's grown on me. 'Team' is by far my favourite song of hers as it helped softened my distaste for her. Being an Auckland teenager as well, I identified so easily with  'Team' as she speaks for all of us.
We live in cities you'll never see on screen / Not very pretty, but we sure know how to run free

 I like her now since I've realised that if we met we would get on pretty well. She admitted in an interview that she was "pretty arrogant" and thats what made me relate to her. Odd, huh? I know I'm "pretty arrogant" as well and I don't even care that its a negative connotation (thanks to Kanye).  I'm confident and comfortable with myself, which people misinterpret as "arrogant". Call me a hypocrite though - I don't usually like other arrogant people.

 Lorde is everywhere. If I can't escape it then I'll embrace it.

- freak out

p.s I didn't talk much about her music but I'll add that her songs' productions are my favourite aspects of her music. I think her producer, Joel Little, deserves a lot more credit than he has received.

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